[urq] storage question...

Thomas Pollock tompollock2002 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 26 10:24:18 EDT 2005

Hi Guys,
ok, should probably go search the archives but...
After checking around for heated storage for the old girl ($$$), and with an free-bee offer for one of those tent like storage thingies, I've decided the Urq will be in a tent over the winter. I actually bought the car to drive over the winter but now I just can't do it... 8-)
I'm polling the audience to get ideas on a couple of worries. My biggest worry is critters !  How to keep them away ?  A buddies 94 Urs4 was really badly munched last year in storage and I don't want that happening to me...
My next biggest worry is moisture. I'll probably lay down some cement blocks and then lay a vynl or plastic sheet over the blocks to try to keep the moisture away from the underside. Someone suggested what I originally thought was a weird idea of leaving a bunch of opened baby diapers in there, and now I'm wondering...
Course, battery comes out, fluids changed, etc... 
Any other ideas ?  
thanks in advance,

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