[urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks - oramIjustrusting out the rear muffler?

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Tue Jan 3 15:11:44 EST 2006

OK.  Let me get this straight:

You have two V8 5-speeds and an Urq and none of them are presently
roadworthy, so you need to ride your BMW bike to work every day?  Steve!!!
You've had all these cars in various states of disassembly for at least six
months if not a year.  Please correct me...

I drove the Urq after needing to jump-start it with the Jump-Pak this
morning.   Looses steam above 3k. God, these cars hate to sit for any length
of time.  I'll be replacing the fuel pump shortly....

'91 v8 pearl quattro 5-Speed (not exactly stock) :-)
'84 Tornado Red Urquattro
'91 200q20v...gone

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks -
oramIjustrusting out the rear muffler?

... I'll get it back on the road when I get that SQ Replica Hood from the
PNW ... ;-)

Gawd, I wish that I could take her out of the garage!  I'm getting tired of
having to brave the elements to ride the Beemer to work every day ...
especially acute this morning after not having to do so for the past couple
weeks!  I've got all the stuff I need to make it happen ... and then some!
Got that cool upper rad shroud from Mike ... the head is sitting, ready to
drop on ... I seem to balk at the part where I need to open up the flywheel
area to figure out WTF is up with the clutch!

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)
> so Steve when are we going to hear yours is back on the road - it's been a
> long time

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