January 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 05:10:08 EDT 2006
Ending: Tue Jan 31 22:23:31 EDT 2006
Messages: 199
- [urq] Water in the footwells : where to look for the leak ?
quattro at subvertdesign.com
- [urq] Transfer box
- [urq] Drive shaft center support bearing
- [urq] //S4cylinder (#4 cylinder misfire)
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] //S4cylinder (still striking out) 1.8 coil mod.
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] Re: [s-cars] //S4cylinder (still striking out) 1.8 coil mod.
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] Re: [Audi5TurboTech] //S4cylinder (still striking out) 1.8
coil mod.
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] Re: [s-cars] //S4cylinder (still striking out) 1.8 coil mod.
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] //S4cylinder (still striking out) 1.8 coil mod.
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] //S4cylinder, got spark? YES!
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] Re: [s-cars] //S4cylinder, got spark? YES!
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] S4 engine replacement
AUDIJIM at aol.com
- [urq] Speaking of old skool road race Audis...
Jon Archibald
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
Andrew B
- [urq] Part# Help
Daryn Baker
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
Bruce Bell
- [urq] Drive shaft center support bearing
Bruce Bell
- [urq] Tuning 034 EFI
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Major Distraction
Bill Bennett
- [urq] My Son's 034 EFI modded 4000CSQT
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Gear Shift Lever
Bill Bennett
- [urq] '91 200 20V with UFO ATE Brakes
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
Mark J. Besso
- [urq] In the thick of it
Mike Bond
- [urq] What a deal!
Mike Bond
- [urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks - or
amIjustrusting out the rear muffler?
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks -
oramIjustrusting out the rear muffler?
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Audifans Marketplace Is Back
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Transfer box
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Can't get Gobi runnin'
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] One part went from $1.75 to 13.87 (ball stud for
trunkstruts) 14 years later.
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Alternator question / in need of help real soon.
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Help finding parts
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Drive shaft center support bearing
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] RE: Gear Shift Lever
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Drive shaft center support bearing
Patrick Carlier
- [urq] Wanted , early style dash AC control panel
Patrick Carlier
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
DGraber460 at aol.com
- [urq] Can't get Gobi runnin'
DGraber460 at aol.com
- [urq] Part# Help
DGraber460 at aol.com
- [urq] Sign of Respect?
DGraber460 at aol.com
- [urq] 1988 Trans Am footage
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Re: [s-cars] 1988 Trans Am footage
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Re: Winter Car Clinic and Mingle this Thursday 19 January at
Audi of Nashua NH
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Alternator question / in need of help real soon.
Djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] Coupe Door Panels
Djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] Carbon fiber type 85 Sport hoods
Steve Eiche
- [urq] Carbon Fiber Sport type hood update: We need to move if it is
going to happen!
Steve Eiche
- [urq] .Ur Q meets 4000Q board computer
Steve Eiche
- [urq] Calling Dennis Graber
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Rolled Front Fenders
Andrew Finney
- [urq] .Ur Q meets 4000Q board computer
Andrew Finney
- [urq] .Ur Q meets 4000Q board computer
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Water in Trunk
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Coupe Door Panels
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
Mike Fitton
- [urq] What a deal!
Mike Fitton
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
David Glubrecht
- [urq] A few comments about ice racing...
Johan H
- [urq] Water in the footwells : where to look for the leak ?
Johan H
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : where to look for the
leak ?
Johan H
- [urq] Trunk release update
Johan H
- [urq] Water in the footwells : where to look for the leak ?
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : where to look for
theleak ?
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Part# Help
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : where to look for
theleak ?
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] The usual swaybar bushings question...
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Extra Info
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Turn Signal Stick
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Gear Shift Lever
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Re: Gear Shift Lever
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Re: Gear Shift Lever
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Re: Citroen DS/ID Haynes Manual Translations
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Informative Internet Site
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Transmission oil capacities
Max Hoepli
- [urq] Trunk release update
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Wanted: 4000 Interior
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Re: [WT-Audifans] Re: Gear Shift Lever
Dave Hord
- [urq] Help finding parts
Thatcher Hubbard
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] New personal topspeed record: 255 km/h....
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Re: New personal topspeed record: 255 km/h....
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] New personal topspeed record: 255 km/h....
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Alternator question / in need of help real soon.
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Alternator question / in need of help real soon.
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Justin's garage sale
- [urq] Period Rally videos.......
KAMMLER1 at aol.com
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
Kenneth Keith
- [urq] Trunk release update
Kenneth Keith
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
Ed Kellock
- [urq] One part went from $1.75 to 13.87 (ball stud for trunk
struts) 14 years later.
Ed Kellock
- [urq] Re: Trunk release?
John S. Lagnese
- [urq] Trunk release update
John S. Lagnese
- [urq] Steamboat Ice Track Time
Lawson, Dave
- [urq] The usual swaybar bushings question...
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] Sign of Respect?
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] RE: [s-cars] 1988 Trans Am footage
Lee Levitt
- [urq] In the thick of it
Jeff Lewis
- [urq] Audifans Marketplace Is Back
Tom Love
- [urq] .Ur Q meets 4000Q board computer
Tony Lum
- [urq] Re: [WT-Audifans] Re: Gear Shift Lever
Robert M
- [urq] spQ hood
James M. Mazillo
- [urq] Re: Trunk release?
Kent McLean
- [urq] Can't get Gobi runnin'
Jim Miller
- [urq] RE: [s-cars] //S4cylinder (still striking out) 1.8 coil mod.
Fred Munro
- [urq] Re: [WT-Audifans] Re: Gear Shift Lever
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : where to look fortheleak
Martin Pajak
- [urq] RE: Disengaged 3B/Locker Clutch
Martin Pajak
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] early rear subframe rubbers - not sure about ETKA or ch
anges at car 500.
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] What a deal!
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Wheel Offset Question
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Carfax Plea for Help!
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
Rick Petrow
- [urq] Sign of Respect?
Rick Petrow
- [urq] Re: [s-cars] 1988 Trans Am footage
Joe Pizzimenti
- [urq] urq driver seat wanted....
Thomas Pollock
- [urq] Re: Trunk release?
Huw Powell
- [urq] In the thick of it
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks -
oramIjustrusting out the rear muffler?
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] New personal topspeed record: 255 km/h....
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Electrical Gremlins...
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Sport Quattro in a board game!
Eric Renneisen
- [urq] Speaking of old skool road race Audis...
Eric Renneisen
- [urq] Speaking of old skool road race Audis...
Renneisen, Eric 475
- [urq] early rear subframe rubbers - not sure about ETKA or
changes at car 500.
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] urq driver seat wanted....
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] A few comments about ice racing...
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Water in the footwells : where to look for the leak ?
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Water in the footwells : where to look for the leak ?
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] RE : Trunk release?
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] The usual swaybar bushings question...
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Playing in the ice and snow.
Justin Riley
- [urq] RE: Wanted: 4000 Interior
Ned Ritchie
- [urq] Playing in the ice and snow.
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] urq driver seat wanted....
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] suddenly lean
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
Eric Sanborn
- [urq] Water in the footwells : where to look for the leak ?
Schaible, David
- [urq] Gear Shift Lever
Schaible, David
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
- [urq] turbo torque settings
- [urq] Sport Quattro in a board game!
- [urq] turbo torque settings
- [urq] //S4cylinder (#4 cylinder misfire)
- [urq] Trunk release update
- [urq] Re: [s-cars] 1988 Trans Am footage
Mark Strangways
- re. [urq] What a deal!
Ben Swann
- re. [urq] What a deal!
Ben Swann
- [urq] Re: re. '86 5kt. MAC 11B or MAC 11C ECU? which one?
Ben Swann
- [urq] Carfax
Ben Swann
- [urq] Re: Odometer quit, electronic version in 89 100
Ben Swann
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
Mike Del Tergo
- [urq] early rear subframe rubbers - not sure about ETKA
Mike Del Tergo
- [urq] driveshaft bearing R&R
Mike Del Tergo
- [urq] Re: [Audi5TurboTech] Re: [s-cars] //S4cylinder (still
striking out) 1.8 coil mod.
Mike Teter
- [urq] 1988 Trans Am footage
Mike Veglia
- [urq] Trunk release?
colin cohen cco
- [urq] Trunk release?
colin cohen cco
- [urq] Trunk release?
colin cohen cco
- [urq] Trunk release update
colin cohen cco
- [urq] 10V FWIW dept
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] Re: 10V FWIW dept
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] What a deal!
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] What a deal!
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] Alternator question / in need of help real soon.
djdawson2 at aol.com
- re. [urq] What a deal!
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] Coupe GT dash badge needed
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [urq] Water in Trunk
daniel dornseif
- [urq] Electrical Gremlins...
hmarcnguyen at netscape.net
- [urq] RE: Electrical Gremlins
hmarcnguyen at netscape.net
- [urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks - so it's
muffler vs other components - like seals.
steven j
- [urq] One part went from $1.75 to 13.87 (ball stud for trunk
struts) 14 years later.
steven j
- [urq] early rear subframe rubbers - not sure about ETKA or changes
at car 500.
steven j
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : where to look for the
leak ?
steven j
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : I have a picture of
where the water enter trunk.
steven j
- [urq] The usual swaybar bushings question...(NAC)
- [urq] RE: Gear SHift Lever
jasonodb at aol.com
- [urq] New personal topspeed record: 255 km/h....
martin at quattro.ca
- [urq] Sport Quattro in a board game!
martin at quattro.ca
- [urq] Water in Trunk (sunroof drains?) : I have a picture of
where the water enter trunk.
martin at quattro.ca
- [urq] Clutch issues
martin at quattro.ca
- [urq] The usual swaybar bushings question...
martin at quattro.ca
- [urq] Sport Quattro in a board game!
mike at crunkenergydrink.com
- [urq] Playing in the ice and snow.
mike at crunkenergydrink.com
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
- [urq] Engine Warmup Operation
- [urq] Sport Quattro in a board game!
- [urq] Gear Shift Lever
- [urq] suddenly lean
- [urq] Sport Quattro in a board game!
alexander stickler
- [urq] Re: Helios Metalic Blue UrQs?
- [urq] .Ur Q meets 4000Q board computer
- [urq] Disengaged 3B/Locker Clutch
urquattro at comcast.net
- [urq] FW: [Naac]
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 22:23:31 EDT 2006
Archived on: Wed Feb 1 18:42:03 EDT 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).