[urq] Drive shaft center support bearing

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Tue Jan 17 14:16:50 EST 2006

Don't forget that the drive shaft is balanced .
Remember to put markings on both halfs
to reassemble them in their original position .

The U joint is filled with needles , don't drop them when you take
it apart .
I didn't know , and the first one fell on the floor .
Took me half a day to find that one missing needle .

Apart from that , it's a pretty straigtforward job .
Take your time for it , try to avoid the use of a hammer
and you should be allright .

btw , does anyone know of a replacement for the dust caps inside the U joint
I had to clean mine and reuse them . Lucky they waren't damaged .


----- Original Message -----
From: ANTHONY ATTARD <acattard at yahoo.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:51 PM
Subject: [urq] Drive shaft center support bearing

> Good all.
> Does any one have a good source for purchasing a drive
> shaft center support bearing??  Would appreciate a
> phone number if one knows one.  Also, how difficult is
> to replace the bearing once you have the drive shaft
> off?  Thanks in advance.
> Tony: 83 URQ, 86 4KCSQ, 88 model 90
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