[urq] One part went from $1.75 to 13.87 (ball stud for trunkstruts) 14 years later.

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Mon Jan 9 14:27:06 EST 2006

... I'd be surprised if you'd ever need to replace the ball stud!  There is a retaining clip on the socket side of the joint ... you remove the retaining clip and the socket pops off the stud ... the clip slides into a pair of pre-drilled holes in the socket, and then the clip snaps around the base of the ball.  

ISTR that doing this job on the urq was a bit more challenging than the other cars I've done this to, but never was removing the ball end of the joint required.  

It also seems to me that you need two struts ... there's one on each side of the trunk lid ... 

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)
> I got a sale on some trunk struts from TPC 12 months ago - so I bought 3 (2
> for urq 1 for cgt) - but they didn't come with the ball attachments at the
> end.  I can't figure out how to get the ball joints out of the old struts.
>   I was going thought the CGTs service history - putting it in a spreadsheet -
> and I came across the part# for what I think is these -  191 827 439  BALL
> STUD  $1.75 on 2/29/1992.    So I went to my audi dealer and the price came up
> as $13.87.   I'm keeping that 2x4 that i use to keep the trunk open.

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