[urq] [UrQ] sudden stumbling (RESOLVED!)

Harten Eric C Capt KHQ PAOC/CODP Eric.Harten at hickam.af.mil
Sat Jul 1 01:17:01 EDT 2006

Well, I think I have it all licked.  Turns out most of the problem was a
bad exciter wire D+ on the alternator.  I had to run a new from the
instrument cluster (pin 12-2).  The motor runs like a champ now.  New
plugs didn't hurt either.  I am getting 13.8v at the alternator post and
13.6v at the fuse box.  Now to figure out why the gauge that reads
voltage in my dash somewhere, reads a full volt low.  I also still want
to inspect my splice joint. Thanks for all the help guys.  


Capt Eric "Dutch" Harten

Chief of Exercises




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