[urq] urq Digest, Vol 33, Issue 17, The End!
Ed Kellock
ekellock at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 19:18:15 EDT 2006
In the Rocky Mountain urq circle, ACNA is not necessarily everyone's
favorite group.
I'm a member, but find that I actually do less and less with the club. The
local track closed, so the last driver's seminar was in Salt Lake City at a
great new track out there, but midweek and a day to drive each way... just
couldn't justify it this year.
It's funny, everytime I move around the country, it seems the area I left
has something blossom that I'd have been first in line for. When I moved to
CO from SC, all of a sudden there's a very active ACNA group out there now.
I'd be way more involved. Great group of people out there. Several of them
are much more grass roots... "urq-ish". The Rocky Mtn ACNA group is great,
don't get me wrong, but my interests don't really lie in the new cars. The
tech sessions are cool, just don't feel all that relavant since I'm not
likely to buy a new Audi, so it tends to be more of a social occassion for
me. Which means I am not as likely to make the 80 mile drive up to Denver
as I would be to make the 120 mile drive I used to make from Greenville to
Even the Quattro Quarterly isn't as entertaining as it was. Lots of neat
trips abroad driving pretty new Audis, but you can't even find a nice set of
urS4 wheels in the Classifieds anymore, much less a couple sets alongside
other some 15x8 urq Ronals and a set of urS6 wheels.
On 7/14/06, Buchholz, Steven <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com> wrote:
> ACNA ... boy, it's been a long time since I've even thought about that
> group! It doesn't look like they registered ACNA.org ... still
> quattroclubusa ... I also see that AudiWorld is now directly associated ...
> as a long time audifan it still bums me out that we didn't go that way ...
> Membership dues $44 ... but now you've got to pony up an extra $10 for a
> family member ... overall I guess the prices have stabilized ... and I'll
> bet the membership rate is similar to other clubs ... I still don't see the
> value, especially since ACNA is only one rung up from Audi itself in its
> interest in the ur-quattro. For the price of admission I get quarterly
> newsletters and a chance to bid on a one time close out of old urq parts ...
> no thanks.
> It really is too bad that true ur-quattro fans didn't band together to
> form their own independent group.
> Steve B
> San José, CA (USA)
> >
> > I can appreciate Michael's disappointment but would it not be more
> > appropriate to channel our energies into lobbying the Audi Car Club of
> > America to
> > register, or whatever is required, to enable members to purchase the
> parts.
> > There does not appear to be much time!
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