[urq] Some People do not get along with other people+ 034-EFI
Pasqualoni, James E
james.pasqualoni at gs.com
Fri Jul 21 14:18:15 EDT 2006
FWIW, I thoroughly enjoy Bill's posts, and frankly I miss his not posting to this forum as frequently as he used to. I know of a few who have converted urq motors, and they indicated that Bill's help was invaluable in completing their projects. That being said, there are at least two sides to every story, and I imagine Bill tried addressing this issue with Javad directly. Maybe when/if that didn't work, Bill resorted to using the leverage that he had-copying this forum. I don't blame him a bit if that's what he did. And if Javad did not stand behind his product, then shame on 034motorsport, and kudos to Bill for allowing us to be privy to his predicament. Let's not judge anyone until/unless we have ALL the facts.
-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of brady zq
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 1:59 PM
To: Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com; urq at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] Some People do not get along with other people+ 034-EFI
I think it's great that Bill speaks his mind. Happy when he's happy, and pissed when he's pissed. Wish more people were like that. It's those quiet ones who sit in the corner that you have to watch out for!!
Anyhoo, my 034 fuel rail sealed fine at the ends but needed bigger o-rings at the injectors in order for it not to leak there. Not a perfect product, but it was the best one out there at the time, and Javad has since improved it. Can't ask for much more than that.
Re: the "034 product," there are now MANY 034 products including 3 distinct
ECUs: fuel-only, fuel and distributor ignition, and fuel with full degree-based ignition. The base igniton advance that Bill speaks of really applies only to the second one. And you only need a crank trigger wheel for the 3rd type.
BTW, I have the 3rd type (Stage IIc) on my urq and I love it.
>From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
>I happen to think there is value in getting out BTDT on any upgrades we
>might have available. We all know that WCB is well known to speak his
>mind ... IMO it seems that he's trying to moderate himself ... :-) I
>don't hang out on motorgeek, so I would appreciate hearing any BTDT on
>the 034EFI product.
>Ingo, you and Bill both are intimately familiar with dealing with
>customers ... and know what value and detriments can result from good
>or poor customer service ...
>I'm interested in knowing more about this excess advance situation ...
>I thought the 034EFI stuff used the separate timing wheel (which is the
>main reason I tend not to consider that system for myself) ... so it
>can't be because the "TDC" pin on the WX is located in a different
>place than it is on the MC ...
>Steve B
>San José, CA (USA)
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