[urq] Dubious audifans Urq ad
alexander stickler
a_stickler at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 25 13:41:53 EDT 2006
This car has been posted on a number of occasions on
audifans as a regular classified. What I find amusing
is that the car is described as having never been
'wrecked.' I suppose this is technically true if the
title is clean. The pictures show very clearly that
the passenger rocker panel and front fender have met
up with a foreign object...
All in, it looks like a pretty good deal, but I'd
definitely want to inspect it firsthand before placing
a bid.
As an aside, is it true that '85 is year they went to
galvanizing the shells?
Alex Stickler
'83 UrQ 3B
'90 V8 Q (375,000 km)
--- urquattro at comcast.net wrote:
> Let's see...how many red flags do we have here?
> -Posting a link to an ebay auction on audifans?
> -Blatantly untrue info about the
> horsepower/engine/performance differences between an
> 84 and an 85? "Night and day" performance
> difference? What?
> -Shill-ish opening bid by ebayer with zero feedback?
> -20020v parts car which is $2000 or will be reduced
> to a bargain basement $1000 with the "Buy it Now"
> option?
> This is some good entertainment value...personally I
> wouldn't get near it, or the seller for that
> matter...
> -Jon
> PS, I would be happy to be wrong about this, because
> if it's not a scam, it doesn't look like too
> terrible of a deal...Anybody near KS?
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