[urq] Saw an R8 today...

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 20:13:35 EDT 2006

FWIW, the three rotor RX7's in GTU were nearly as loud as the 787. Still,
nothing matched the Zakspeed for loudness. I'm surprised that they didn't
require muffler's for that car. It HAD to be at least 3dB greater (appx
double) in sound pressure than the rotaries.


On 6/12/06, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> How could there be a '63 911 in competition? The car wasn't even out in
> 1963, it was introduced in 1963
> at one of the European auto shows.
> Personally, I wouldn't call an R8 loud. A current or nearly-current
> Winston/Nextel Cup car is much louder.
> The Mazda 787 that Larry mentions had to have mufflers installed due to
> the extreme noise generated
> by that 4-rotor engine, that's pretty weird for a competition car.
> Taka
> On 6/11/06, Mark J. Besso <mbspeed at maxboostracing.com > wrote:
> > The first competition Porsche 911 would've been the late '63,
> short-geared
> > version for hillclimbs.  I don't think they had a dedicated road-race
> > version 'til '65.  Those early ones still used six individual Solex
> carbs
> > and made a glorious noise!  It is one of the best sounding six-cylinder
> > engines ever.
> >

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