[urq] RE : Broken bleeder removal: tips ?

Schaible, David David.Schaible at jrspharma.com
Wed Jun 21 15:56:35 EDT 2006

For $50C to rebuild and powder coat is a deal, I think I paid $25 for the seal kit and bleeder screw.  I thought about getting the g60 setup as they are available and cheap but I am ok with the lighter single piston setup. So far, rear calipers and rear exhaust is only non original equipment on my auto......for what it's worth....not much other than blah blah.   

David Schaible

JRS Pharma LP
2981 Rte 22
Patterson, NY 12563

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis-Alain Richard [mailto:laraa at sympatico.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 3:20 PM
To: 'Martin Pajak'; Schaible, David
Cc: urq at audifans.com
Subject: RE : [urq] Broken bleeder removal: tips ?

Well here, my FLAPS can rebuilt mine for 75$ each, and Canadian Tire
(where I got mine 2 years ago) sells them for 85$ each. That's why I
want at least to try to remove the bleeders... But you're right, if I
can get them for 30$, it's a no brainer. I will ask around to find such
a shop.

As for the steel only calipers (late 83 to 86), they are 55$ each, with
a much bigger bleeder (like 10 mm) but I need the corresponding
carriers. Since we are upgrading Eric's car to the G60 setup, maybe I
can "borrow" them from his car ? :-)...

Or, like most of you, I can upgrade me too and forget about these
fragile Al/Fe calipers for good... 

Decisions, decisions... 


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Martin Pajak [mailto:martin at quattro.ca]
> Envoyé : 21 juin, 2006 14:59
> À : Schaible, David
> Cc : Louis-Alain Richard; urq at audifans.com
> Objet : RE: [urq] Broken bleeder removal: tips ?
> David,
> That place will do the calipers I bring in, also blast the carriers
> service the sliders with new boots.. all for $30/caliper and that is
> And for only $25/caliper have calipers/carriers powder coated!!
> Cheers
> Martin
> > Schaible, David
> > As long as you get your caliper back, there are steel imitations
> > the US
> >
> > David Schaible
> >
> > Louis-Alain,
> >
> > Your best and most convinient thing would be to have them rebuilt.
> > At $30/caliper it's a no brainer.. you get a nice shiny caliper with
> > nice shiny new bleeder.
> > We have a place here in town that does them while you wait.. :)
> > Cash and carry... they supply most of the garages/NAPA and Canadian
> > stores.
> >
> > I am sure there is an equivalent in Montreal.

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