[urq] Audi Seat Back Repair

Andrew Finney afinn1 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 10:45:08 EDT 2006

For what it is worth, after many false starts and some $$ paid for wrong
parts, I finally discovered that the VW cabriolet has seat backs that are
fully interchangeable with the UrQ seats. I needed a tilting seat back to
convert my 4000Q Quattro Script seats to ones that could be used in the UrQ
monster project. All you need to do is glue a small spacer washer of
1/4-inch thickness to the 3 cog seat back adjustors from the 4000Q seats,
drill a single hole in the side of the cabriolet seat back frame, mount with
a single screw, and voila you're good to go. It was interesting to note that
even within Audi the seat back designs changed so much even within 1 year.
Some of the seats have flat sides to the steel frames while others have big
indents. The 3-cog seat adjustor that raises the seat adjustors to a height
suitable for quattros (with the bigger tranmission tunnel) even changed to
work with the seats with the indents and ones without the indents. Crazy.
One small weird data point, while Audi Coupes switched to plastic "D" guides
for the seat pull cables (as opposed to the earlier white grommets that
you'll find on the '83 cars) the '94 cabriolet was still usiing the same
system as the early UrQs with the grommets. FWIW.

Andrew Finney
1983 and 1985 UrQs.

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