[urq] UrQ appreciation

Thomas Pollock tompollock2002 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 10 10:26:11 EST 2006

Same problem here. I would sometimes park my 84 across the end of my driveway so my 4 year old wouldn't go hurtling out into the road when he was riding his bike, or in the worst case scenario, a car wander into the driveway and kid.
  At first it was kind of fun when people (mostly kids) would stop, first to ask if it was for sale, then to galk... had some neat conversations. But it quickly became a pain when some folks would simply not leave...8-)
  Oh, and I also decided it was probably a better idea to throw the winter beater out there after a couple of near misses. (with the bike, that is...)
  84 Ur
  90 100
  94 100csq
  94 S4
  95 90sport
  99 a4
  01 S4
  I know, I know....

a.j.gaidos at comcast.net wrote:
  I had a pimple faced 17 year old knock on my door a couple weeks ago asking to buy my 85. He said "I know exactly what that is. Please sell it to me".


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Mike Bond 

> One my tenants (25 years old) came up to me a couple of days ago and said; 
> "Is that an 82 Quattro you have in the garage". I said "well its actually 
> an 83 but they are essentially the same". He says, " I was playing Gran 
> Turismo 4 and after completing a race I won an 82 quattro. I paused the 
> game and went to the garage to look at yours realizing what it was and how 
> rare it was. 
> Mike Bond 
> [::i::l=oooo=i::l::] 
> 1964 Lincoln Continental 60K project 
> 1983 UrQ EFI complete 
> 1992 Lexus SC400 50k miles 
> 2002 Audi A4 1.8T 
> 2002 GMC Yukon 
> 2004 Mitsu Evo RS 
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