[urq] Strut tower bearings for early UrQ

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu May 11 17:36:01 EDT 2006

Yeah.  I was just thinking the same thing. Just e-mailed him.  Need  
to do the rears on the '84 and don't look forward to doing them again  
anytime soon...

On May 11, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Brady Moffatt wrote:

> Isn't Mance up to something new, using stock "green" bearings and
> reinforcing them with a poly spacer? I saw something in the  
> marketplace
> about these recently. Looked cool.
> No affiliation, couldn't pick him out of a lineup, etc.
> Cheers,
> Brady
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thatcher Hubbard [mailto:thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com]
> S
> The difference I've heard between the "green" 4kq units and the "blue"
> Urq ones is that the blue ones are of a much harder rubber.  I think
> at least one Urq owner on the list has tried the green ones and
> completely worn them out in very short order.
> The increasing difficulty in find the blue units is what led me to an
> interest in those spherical bearing units Mance Etheridge was making,
> not sure if he's still doing it though.  At $395 for the pair though,
> if they work as advertised, it's a deal.
> On 5/11/06, Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:
>> I am R/Ring and installing new Koni strut cartridges on my '83 Ur  
>> Quattro
>> using stock springs.  I want to have parts on hand and went to  
>> order some
>> strut bearings.  My local dealer informed me the bearings were  
>> unique for
>> this application and were $167 each and in limited supply.  Ouch!   
>> He said
>> they were different from the 4000 quattro bearings which are under  
>> $30
> each.
>> So - what is so special about these UrQ strut bearings?  Can I
> substitute?.
>> Is there another version that will work fine?
>> Anyone have a set?  Any suggestions?
>> Ben
>> benswann at comcast.net
>> 83 urq, /[][] =oooo= [][]\ alpine and Inga
>> '90 Coupe Quattro (==\ oooo /==) ES2 Conversion
>> 91 200qa20v, [ =!\=oooo=/!= ] avant and sedan
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