[urq] Brake Judder

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu May 18 13:00:01 EDT 2006


I think you mean "Shudder" but in any case any loose/worn suspension  
components will make the situation worse, especially when braking  
from higher speeds.  Can't comment specifically on the Subi, but I  
think you're on the right track.  You state that there is a slight  
hint of this at higher speeds even without braking -- maybe tires not  
perfectly-balanced as well?


On May 18, 2006, at 12:21 PM, CARDCONSYS at aol.com wrote:

> Not strictly confined to Audi but I know the  readers of this list  
> have so
> much more experience than the usual repair techs!
>     There have been many articles written about  juddering under  
> braking, not
> the least by Stop Tech who essentially say warped  discs are not  
> the problem.
> I put new discs, pads, and tyres on my Subaru within  the last  
> month and
> bedded them in in the usual manner. Brake as hard you like  from  
> 55mph and all is
> smooth. At running speeds in the 60-80mph range there is a  slight  
> vibration
> through the steering normally associated with wheel balancing.   
> Brake from the
> 60-80mph range and there is a sever judder until the speed drops   
> below 55 or
> so.
>     Local technician, at very well respected servicing  outfit who  
> also
> installed the tyres, drove the car and said to replace the  discs.
>     Question?    Anyone experienced  another cause for the judder  
> such as tie
> rod ends, steering knuckle, or simply  alignment?
>     Martin Dapot
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