[urq] problems with a business
Ingo Rautenberg
i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Tue Nov 14 15:10:04 EST 2006
Hmm. Unless you have a written agreement where the time frame is
spelled-out, you will only be able to ask, cajole, plead and lastly
annoy to get your car done. That assumes, of course, that the shop
is not waiting on parts -- in which case all bets are off. Ask
kindly but firmly why the car is not completed and when the
anticipated completion date is and take it from there.
Good luck.
On Nov 14, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Michael S. Williams wrote:
> i've been having a lot of problems with a certain company that does
> modifications to cars, especially in regards to getting things
> DONE, and being told what is happening with my vehicle. What was
> originally supposed to be something that took 4-6 weeks has STILL
> not been finished, and that 4-6 weeks started at the beginning of
> july.
> at what point should i pursue further action as far as getting this
> project finally done, and getting my car back to me?
> michael
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