[urq] 85 - Brake conversion questions

Frank de Kat fdekat at sentex.net
Wed Nov 15 21:54:58 EST 2006

At 05:23 PM 14/11/2006, you wrote:
>Message: 6
>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 17:07:36 -0500
>From: Felix Tang <ftang at dragonartz.com>
>Subject: [urq] 85 - Brake conversion questions
>To: urq at audifans.com
>Message-ID: <455A3E28.2020104 at dragonartz.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>My 85 Urq starting having problems with brakes not releasing, they
>either drag or stay fully locked.  This was intermittent at first but
>got worse over time.  It's been at the shop for a while and they
>diagnosed it as a faulty brake servo (not the bomb).

Hello Felix:

If your "brakes not releasing" could possibly be under hood temperature 
related, then perhaps look into  the master cylinder being the problem.

On my urq, in stop and go driving, the under hood temps would go up, and 
the brakes would start dragging, getting progressively worse as the 
temperature got higher. If the master cylinder would get too hot to touch, 
the brakes would be dragging for sure.
Once back on open road, or after 10 minutes withe the hood up, all would 
return to normal.

Apparently not that an uncommon problem on 200's and 5000's..

New master cylinder ($50.00 at NAPA! Yea!) fixed it.

If it isn't heat related, the quite possibly the servo. No quick and easy 
answer for you for that..!


=Frank de Kat=

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