[urq] RS2 EKTA

brozmotorz brozmotorz at free.fr
Sat Oct 28 15:55:39 EDT 2006


I would be very sorry to get you disapointed but are you aware that the RS2 
IM is WORSE than any other 20vt IM ?
the RS2 is fully BADGE ENGIENEERING. Using a correct turbo, any descent 
motronic tuner will get the same results.
The EM is good (could not be worse) but the IM ? grind out the Porsche 
lettering and it is not worth the cost of the alloy at the recycler. This is 
not an opinion, it is a fact proven on the benchflow ! Look at the vikings 
tuner's fat setup, none of them use the RS2 IM, they all use home made 
Lehman style fluted IM's or modified S2/S4's IMs - but only the budget guys.
I dig Porsche stuff but I'm not bling-bling blinded...it's not because it's 
engraved Porsche that it's good.
if you need a 20vt samco kit, suscribe to s2forum.com and make your move 
from there.
just 2 euro cents.


> Hi all,
> Looking for source of a RS2 EKTA.
> Have 83 UrQ, am working on sourcing parts to place a 93-S4 AAN into it! 
> Already have a RS2 Intake Manifold and Pressure Pipe, I've placed a AAN 
> throttle body on the RS2 IM, and was planning on using a 3B TB to PP hose 
> on the car, seems to be fitting OK, but there seems to be some issues. 
> Imagine that!
> If I find that that 3B hose isn't correct, is there a Samco type hose I 
> can use? I've looked at Euro parts houses that from what I saw in pictures 
> seemed to have something like that, I've emailed them and have never 
> gotten any response. I wouldn't imagine that VAG would have something like 
> that? Please feel free to forward this to anyone that might have any 
> recommendations.
> Jack Walker
> a2000sportster at aol.com
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