[urq] no spare wheel at all ?

Claus Vegener vegener at post7.tele.dk
Sun Oct 29 08:57:56 EST 2006

I "hate" to agree after running w/o spare for 10 years or more, but I started this very morning to change a horse-trailer wheel, after hitting a chikane at night and rain 1000 km from home. I should not have sendt that mail :-(


-----Original Message-----
    From: "Ingo Rautenberg"<i.rautenberg at waratap.com>
    Sent: 28-10-06 22:20:13
    To: "brozmotorz"<brozmotorz at free.fr>
    Cc: "Claus Vegener"<vegener at post7.tele.dk>, "urq"<urq at audifans.com>
    Subject: Re: [urq] no spare wheel at all ?
      Or (likely not available in our size) Run-flat tires.
    On Oct 28, 2006, at 5:02 PM, brozmotorz wrote:
    > in my eyes, no spare wheel is not an option. I know flats become rare
    > nowadays but they do happend.
    > A lot less than 15 years ago when I worked at the gas station, then  
    > I would
    > do 4/5 everyday but that was mainly because then there were no  
    > mandatory
    > tech check and people would still use bald tires.
    > we still have people coming in the shop with wheels to repair and  
    > only about
    > 1 on 3 is vandalism...the others are staples, screws (those modern
    > all-materials-screws are like barbwire !), glass, gravels...rubber  
    > is still
    > rubber, no matter what.
    > spraycan flat saver is not an option. they trash rims and tires and  
    > not
    > always work !
    > the only other option is tubeless repair kit and inboard  
    > compressor. I have
    > them but it is not always possible to fit them correctly on the  
    > roadside
    > especially at night and I mainly use the car at night and often in
    > industrial zones, will let you figure out why. If I can avoid a  
    > flatbed
    > truck trip, I like that better and my wallet too.
    > what is a "good tire" that does not get flat when pierced up ?  
    > Solid rubber
    > or tank tracks maybe ? ;-)
    > pierre
    >> I'll let you know, when I have tried it in practice.

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