[urq] Elec usage needs (x-post)

Renneisen, Eric 475 Eric.Renneisen at CIGNA.com
Tue Sep 5 17:20:37 EDT 2006

Brandon wrote:
> luckily things like the 500W fan don't come on full 
> blast - so I'd really like to know what it uses at 
> Speed 1 or 2....

Easy.  Per Scott Mockry's page, the resistor pack has two 
resistors, each around 0.2 ohm.  Full speed (500W for 
yours) bypasses both resistors.  So, the fan's resistance 
is V^2/W which is about 0.288 Ohms (assuming the stated 
wattage is at 12V).  Now, medium speed uses one of the 
0.2 ohm resistors in series, so the wattage there will be 
V^2/(0.288+0.2) which is about 295W (assuming 12V). 
Similarly, low speed is V^2/(0.288+0.2+0.2) which is about 

The dash and switch illumination bulbs are probably 15W 
or less total for all of them.  License plate bulbs are 10W 
together.  The tail and brake bulbs total about 52W.  The 
four front markers are 16W together.

Defroster, wiper motors, seat heaters, and blower motor 
will require poking around with an ohmmeter.  I have no 
idea what the differences in ignition draw might be.


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