[urq] Elec usage needs

Lawson, Dave dlawson at ball.com
Mon Sep 11 12:09:25 EDT 2006

Hi Brandon,

>I am also trying to get a real handle on electrical component
>requirements - any input appreciated.  Here is my list of components -
>several have different stages of use (ie fans, etc) so any knowledge on
>the usage range would be very helpful - 
I was going through my archives and came across a post by RDH in Aug
1995 which fills in some of the information you are looking for. The
readings are for an 83 urq with old style fuse box and wiring.


Current draw (damp, 68F):

  Cold Engine, Off

        Starter:        101 - 105 Amps

        Lo-Beams:        8.0 Amps
        Hi-Beams:       18.4 Amps

        Rad fan - Lo:    5.2 Amps
        Rad fan - Hi:   18.1 Amps

        Air fan - Lo:    2.0 Amps
        Air fan - 2:     3.7 Amps
        Air fan - 3:     5.9 Amps
        Air fan - Hi:    9.1 Amps

        Rear Defrost:    7.7 Amps
        Stereo:          2 - 5 Amps  (Loud as I can stand it)

  Warm Engine, Off

        Starter:        112 Amps

        Ign. On:         3.5 Amps (all acces/lights/etc off)
                                  (I recall that the fuel Control
                                   Regulator and Aux Air valve together
                                   consume aoubt .9 amps, implies ECU is
                                   using "about 2" amps)

  Warm Engine, Running, ~13.5 Volts

        Lo-Beams:        8.4 Amps
        Hi-Beams:       20.1 Amps

        Rad fan - Med:  11.9 Amps
        Rad fan - Hi:   22.3 Amps

        Window Down:     3.9 Amps (Passenger side slightly less)
        Window Up:       9.9 Amps (Passenger side slightly less)

  Initial charge current (battery drained by ~1:00 of "starter drain")
  engine at idle (~950 - 1000 rpm):

         0:00           45 Amps
         0:15           33 Amps
         0:30           31 Amps
         1:00           28 Amps
         2:00           26 Amps
         5:00           24 Amps
        15:00           17 Amps

  Increase of current at 3000 rpm -- .1 - .2 Amps

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