[urq] got the -88 MB back

J H milisen at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 18 02:26:29 EDT 2006

The problem was that they did not find the problem at first. They cleaned 
the whole injection system all the way from the fuel tank, changed all the 
filters, plugs, plug leads etc.

The only thing I cannot understand is how it can take two months to find 
clogged injectors??

But as Louis-Alan pointed it out, the ride I got with her yesterday was far 
more worth than the 2400 Euros... I just love to drive this car hard.

Johan Hisinger
Helsinki, Finland

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Maurits Jonkergouw" <urq at moregraphics.nl>
To: "Audifans" <urq at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [urq] got the -88 MB back
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 01:33:58 +0200

Glad to hear the problem is solved... but 2400 euros spend on 5 injectors 40
a pop is a joke :-( Can't you have a refund or something, or are there other
things fixed to justify that amount of money? If I was you I might want to
find the reason for the clogged injectors; fuel filters, dirty tank etc. to
avoid the problem happening again. I mean, they got clogged for a reason and
just new injectors doesn't fix that problem, at least temporarily...


1986 quattro GV
1985 Coupe GT KV
1982 Coupe GL DD

----- Original Message -----
From: "J H" <milisen at hotmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 10:04 PM
Subject: [urq] got the -88 MB back

 > Hi Guys,
 > a few months back I wrote about a sudden stumbling problem. Finally the
 > problem is solved; all the injectors were clogged, five new injectors 
 > the trick. Do not ask me how it could take two months for the shop to 
 > the problem. Well anyways I'm happy to have her back, not so happy about
 > the
 > 2400 euros it cost.
 > To celebrate I got the MB back I went for a drive along the finest 
 > b-roads, and it was just perfect. 100km's of twisty 2nd and 3rd gear
 > corners... I have to say that a full throttle launch out from a corner in
 > 3rd gear is awesome.
 > Cheers,
 > Johan Hisinger
 > Helsinki, Finland

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