[urq] Anyone have a fire supression setup under the hood?
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 23:48:42 EDT 2007
Ha! With an '83 or older with the ceramic fuses I'd think about an
in-cockpit system myself ;-)
But your musing had me think about my old BMW 2002 when the valve
cover leaked oil onto the exhaust manifold when I was in college. As
soon as I drove into the gas station off the highway and went to pop
the hood, the attendant saw the flames and within 15 seconds had
extinguished the blaze. 'Course the plug wires were a bit charred,
but all was fine.
I had a similar incident on a private track in my '83 urq with a
friend at the wheel when after we crested a hill we heard a loud POP
and immediately pulled into the 'pits', popped the hood, and had both
steam (radiator hose had popped off the inlet/thermostat pipe) and
the oil from the valve cover ignited on the exhaust manifold
(actually more likely the turbo) and again the flames were
extinguished in a matter of seconds by one of the quick-thinking
owners of the track. Ah, what excitement. 10 minutes later, coolant
was topped off, the loose hose clamp was tightened-down, and the
tracking continued. :-)
On Apr 25, 2007, at 11:06 PM, steven j wrote:
> Seems like with a 25 year old car I should have
> something in place to stop an underhood fire. Anyone
> have any ideas on what's available for a low cost? I
> do have an old halon fire extinguisher rolling around
> in the back seat - but I think by the time I stop the
> car and open the hood it would be to late.
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