[urq] Water inside EURO CIBIE headlights

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 22 02:53:47 EST 2007

I bet it happens more on the turbo side light? Where the heat extremes are
greatest. I took the light out, drilled an extra hole in the top and added
an extra rubber vent tube, re-sealed the two halves of the light with
silicon sealer as well as the rubber seal and left a silicone crystal bag
(like you get in packaging of a new camera etc) inside the light behind the
reflectors. Had no problem at all since. The crystals dry when warmed and
soak up moisture as it occurs. Like I say, no problems at all since doing
this whereas before it was almost a constant problem on the cool weather.


'87 WR
'63 Daimler V8
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maurits Jonkergouw" <urq at moregraphics.nl>
To: "Audifans" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 1:19 AM
Subject: [urq] Water inside EURO CIBIE headlights

> I've already replaced the gaskets (new) that seals the glass from the
body, but the moist from rain is still getting in and I don't understand why
and where.
> Does any of you had any luck sealing them off or knows why it can't get
out/ dries up?
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Maurits
> 1986 quattro GV
> 1985 Coupe GT KV
> 1982 Coupe GL DD
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