[urq] Thought-provoking stuff.......NAC, but all Car stuff.

Schaible, David David.Schaible at jrspharma.com
Mon Jun 11 17:19:15 EDT 2007

I saw the movie a while ago, and it was no big revelation to people who
have been paying attention for many years......i was going to go
electric back in the 90's and kept waiting, and waiting,  I finally got
fed up and put a tdi on the road for my daily driver...the tdi runs on
veg oil and I've been getting about 45 mpg.....which is a start.

I drove one my avants the other day and got reminded what a pos the
volks tdi is compared to an audi...i did put a upgraded suspension in
the tdi which makes it acceptable, but it's no audi.

83 urq
91 200tqa * 2
98 jetta tdi veg car
72 gmc pickup
88 f350 dually dump w/ plow

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Fleischer [mailto:jim at activelifestylemassage.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 3:58 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com; urq at audifans.com; 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] Thought-provoking stuff.......NAC, but all Car stuff.

Hey quattro fans,

Please forgive the NAC, and also posting to the three lists I subscribe
to, but I saw something last night that is starting to disturb me.  Let
me start by saying that I am a quattroholic, currently owning a '95 S6
Avant, a '91 200 TQ 20V and an '83 ur.  I've had a total of 8 Audis (7
quattros) in my driving career and have loved every one of them.  That
said, I just watched "Who Killed the Electric Car" last night and I
found it quite compelling.  I also found it quite disturbing.  If you
haven't watched it yet, I suggest, even for entertainment sake, that you
go and rent it.  Now, I'm not one of those "conspiracy" types, but I
find it quite troubling to know that we, the car buying public, are not
given the option of purchasing a different propulsion technology for our
transportation that would seem on the surface to be very economical,
reliable, "emissions free" (I put that in quotes on purpose....of course
I know it takes either nuclear, natural gas or coal to make the el
 ectricity to charge the damn things,) etc.  The fact that the major
automobile manufacturers have gone to great lengths to destroy every
last EV they had made makes for some interesting "conspiracy" thoughts
in my mind.  What are they trying to hide? 

My intent here is merely to provoke some mindful thought about what we,
as consumers, are facing in the real world when faced with high gas and
oil prices (while oil companies are enjoying record profits),
environmental pollution from oil and gas spills, and not to mention
Global Warming due to internal combustion engine exhaust, (I'm not even
going to go into the geo-political conflicts costing American lives in
the oil-rich Middle East.)  And to also inform people that there are
(were) other viable options available as recently as 5-10 years ago that
could possibly have kept us from the possible environmental predicament
we are currently facing.  Am I willing to give up my trio of quattros at
the moment?  No, but I am thinking of the possibilites of transforming a
4000 quattro to electric power sometime in the future........the
technology is there to do it.

I invite all thought provoking criticism, constructive and

Best regards to all,

Jim Fleischer
'95 S6 Avant
'91 200TQ
'83 ur
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