[urq] RE : [s-cars] Thought-provoking stuff.......NAC, but all Car stuff.

Andrée-Anne Bourgeois laraa at sympatico.ca
Tue Jun 12 21:47:10 EDT 2007

This discussion makes me think a bit differently than the majority: no
matter the energy source (e+, gas, diesel), we need to reduce our overall
energy expense. Since we won't all move close enough to walk to the job, we
can reduce the energy we burn to get there. Why do we need a 7-passenger
minivan or SUV to go to work alone ? Instead, buy a Smart for commuting
solo, add a small 5 passenger wagon for the week-end (that sits in the
driveway all week long) and use both cars when you need to carry 5 or 7
persons. Not enough space for that ski trip ? Add a rooftop box to the
wagon, or rent a SUV for the week!

The main problem is that we want our vehicles to do anything, being fast,
comfortable, can tow a boat or two, have cargo capacity, luxurious, etc.
Instead of the electric car, what we need is a personal commuter, a 2-place
vehicle that use existing technology, something that is not a penalty box,
something that is optimized for low energy expense, not performance. For
that part, we still can use our beloved turbo quattro. It can be electric or
hybrid or H2 or a steamer, I don't care. 

Imagine a Monday morning commute with a bunch of Shell EcoMarathon cars. Or
the VW 1-liter car (1 liter for each 100 km, or 235 mpg). That would be

I would drive one tomorrow.

Still using its 15L/100km Quattro to get to work, solo, 5 miles from home.

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