[urq] ABY S2 Radiator Shroud

A2000sportster at aol.com A2000sportster at aol.com
Wed Mar 7 12:49:04 EST 2007

Come on Mike and Brandon...; ^)
Share the part number, although I'll call Sunset to see if they have  it. 
Can't remember the parts manager's name right now. He's all for the UrQ  being 
kept around! Totally depends on who you get on the phone there, some of  their 
folks are truly only going to give you what they see on their EKTA, god  don't 
tell your 'e transplanting a motor from another car! Because they  won't do 
any searching! I've spent hours with some of their counter guys trying  to get 
some things for my car.
Wonder if my 93-S4 fan will fit into that shroud...humm? The ABY shroud  
bolted right to the your radiator whoa!  I'll give it a try.
Now if I could just get Sunset to give me the same deal they give everyone  
outside of Oregon....maybe shipping to relatives in Vancouver. Have to weight 
in  the shipping charge vs P/U.
Mike....man, your car is very well thought out, the jump post, the  rad 
shroud, rack and pump, the removable support/hood latch....I'm  assuming you have 
used the 996 calipers? Which rotors are you using on the hats,  did you make 
the hats yourself?
Now you've got me thinking about how much more work I've got to do! I'm  
going to get mine converted to the AAN and then we'll see if I can stand to tear  
it back apart!
Jack  Walker
Walker Performance Group, LLC.

6327 SW Hiawatha Ct.  
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
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