[urq] removable support

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Wed Mar 21 11:52:09 EDT 2007

Right - I have done that on some CGTs.  What I am trying to confirm is if the
top section of either B3 or B4 is a direct fit.  My initial fit check shows
they are very close.  I may not do this, but would be a nice feature.  If it
is a direct fit with only a few holes to be drilled, I may just go ahead and
do it.


The way the engine is presently, it would be nice if I could just slide it
forward in order to release the transmission.  It would greatly simplify
things and also make service easier.   Partly it has to do with the clutch
slave line - I don't think I can undo this another time without destroying it.





From: Mike Sylvester [mailto:mike at urq20v.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:09 AM
To: Ben Swann; urq at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] removable support




As far as the front member goes...  I don't know how much of it you want to be

I made the top part removable similar to how the the B4 is.


I have some pictures here:



www.urq20v.com <http://www.urq20v.com/> 




-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [urq] Engine-Trans install saga [Sick Feeling - Engine not
engaging trans.]
From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
Date: Tue, March 20, 2007 10:42 pm
To: <urq at audifans.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>
Cc: 'Ben Swann' benswann at comcast.net

Since it all needs to come back out, now is the time to revisit the
possibility of reworking the front members.  I don't want to, but eventually
need to address this with the limited intercooler options.  I have on hand a
complete front cross member and the left right and center hood release
from a '1993 model 90 "B4" chassis?  And the top/hood release sections left,
right and mid from the '89 model 80 "B2" ? chassis.  I'm wondering if these
can be put to good use, or if I'm best just leaving the front alone.  I did
not see any obvious way to fit these sections in with the nice bumper and
spoiler sections from the Ur Quattro.  Has anyone done this conversion -
removable front using later crossemembers and allow for larger intercooler
fitment?   Other possibilities?


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