[urq] below 35 degrees cold start problem

Tom Saltino saltinot at windstream.net
Mon Nov 19 10:44:05 PST 2007

Cheers, the battery (Interstate) is only about a year old and it's maintained by a BatteryMinder when the car is not in use.  I'm thinking about bringing the battery in the house overnight the next time the outside temp drops.  We'll see what happens I guess.


From:  Mike Sylvester <mike at urq20v.com>  
Date:  2007/11/19 Mon PM 12:12:08 EST 
To:  saltinot at windstream.net 
Subject:  RE: [urq] below 35 degrees cold start problem 

The ECU needs at as many as 2 full revolutions before it will turn on the fuel pump because it will not do so until it sees the timing reference signal coincident with the signal from the Hall sensor.  Low voltage and slow cranking seems to make starting very difficult.
The 1 Guage wire should be enough.  Is the battery fresh?



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [urq] below 35 degrees cold start problem
From: T. J. (Tom) Saltino III <saltinot at windstream.net>
Date: Mon, November 19, 2007 10:19 am
To: <urq at audifans.com>

My '85 WX-powered 4k will not fire when the temp drops below around 35 degree. The starter turns, but I don't get the fuel pump or spark. I'm thinking that the battery is loosing amperage as the temp falls causing the starter to turn slower and therefor the ECU can't "see" the engine turning over?

BTW, the battery has been relocated to the trunk and is connected to the engine via a 1 gauge cable. Should I try a stronger battery or a thicker cable? I can jump it with my P'stroke F250 (two batteries) and she'll fire....but that doesn't help me when I'm away from the house! 

Anybody got a better idea?


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