[urq] modded UrQ mileage

Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com
Fri Nov 23 11:18:21 PST 2007

Just had a chance to run the UrQ for a 600 mile trip.  While the car 
seemed to run very well my mileage was a bit shocking~ 19MPG at a steady 
80 MPH or so.  The first 2 years I had the car I got about 25 MPH under 
the same conditions. Changes since then = engine rebuild (pistons, engine 
balance, new injectors, no over bore)Water cooled 5KTQ turbo, 2 pc exhaust 
manifold and MSD ignition.  There is little doubt the car is now more 
powerful and faster, but enough to drop MPG 20+%?  My A/F meter shows 
normal running conditions @ cruise with only 'rich' running at higher 
boost levels) What are others seeing.  IS this another factor pointing to 
EFI?  I'd assume you folks get better mileage than before due to more 
accurate fueling?


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