[urq] UPG 2008 Planning

audiqtrocp at aol.com audiqtrocp at aol.com
Sat Oct 20 21:38:20 PDT 2007

I still think its important to find where our most-likely-to-attend 
core group is andwork towards that.

I guess it would be great to have this nationwide UrQ gathering, but Im 
just being a realist and accepting early on that we need an east and a 
west to make everyone happy - not even happy,  just making it possible 
to travel in a reasonable time frame.

I would take scenery and nice roads over a track, are we forgetting 
that we are driving UrQ's?   Most are lucky to make a round trip to the 
grocery store  lol  ok, well, maybe not that bad - but...


-----Original Message-----
From: urq <urq at pacbell.net>
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 6:13 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] UPG 2008 Planning

Of course I'd have no problem with Colorado ... it is closer to the west
coast ... but I think others have suggested biasing the location to the
north ... would it make sense to try something like Ft. Collins?

If we did make it Colorado I'd probably start by going north to 
Portland to
meet up with people coming from the PNW ...

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)

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