[urq] UPG 2008

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Tue Oct 23 12:22:23 PDT 2007


I have to disagree.. another event like Indy would just take away from the
purpose of this gathering.
This is why I loved the events at Felixes.  A nice quiet venue with no one
else around but Ur-quattro freaks.
One weekend is not a long time, especially if you have to drive all the
way there.. to piggyback another event is just not worth it.  I would not
be interested in anything else other than talking with the guys and
getting to know them as "friends" rather than pay attention to something

Don't get me wrong, Steamboat etc etc, those events have their time and
place.  Us CDN guys do the Mosport weekend for the AMLS jsut to have an
"excuse".  A UPG even should remain an Ur-q only event with no other

Just my $0.02 CDN with is now on par with $0.02 US  :)

Martin Pajak


> QSHIPQ at aol.com
> Ed:
> To a very seasoned choir you vainly attempt to preach,  my old friend!  I
> put
> on a Steamboat Ice Event in your state every  year for 6 years now, been
> going for 15, straight thru drive, and in the worst  quattro weather
> possible.
> That doesn't include the  events I saw you at, that you mention of 10
> years
> ago!  I  can't think of a better reason for a migration from the west
> coast than
> 25 years  of the urq being stateside.
> In asking folks for that commitment, 'what else can we do' is the  *value*
> (excuse) of gathering these cars in one place.  I don't have to ask
> Justin
> Riley if he's going to Steamboat again this year from Orlando (2000 miles
> with
> the family 1 way), I just need to give him the dates.  I don't have to
> ask him
> if he'd make it to an ur-qfest in 2008, only when and where.  I say  you
> lose
> half or more of your participants anywhere USA if you give an  ur-qfest
> the
> impression that the only point is to gather these cars in one  place.
> Sell the value of the what and how, the value of the where will  increase.
>  I
> advocate Indy because what else is available to car enthusiast  groups
> can't
> have a better host city.  And, the value in the other  activities is that
> we
> don't have to originate logistics, venues and activities,  only
> edit/copy/edit/paste other successful events there.
> I am happy to volunteer being Eventmaster at an Indy venue, after Gruppe-q
> Steamboat 2008.  Jim, I didn't think twice about going to Monterey in 99,
> because it was 100 years of quattro.  25 years of urq, I'd do it
> tomorrow.   I
> say use a proven friendly car group venue  where help is a host city is
> constable tolerant, and the city amenities  seasoned and enthusiastic to
> the cause.
> IMO, that limits your  choices more than preconceived participant value.
> Cheers
> Scott Justusson
> In a message dated 10/23/2007 12:05:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> ekellock at gmail.com writes:
> I don't  see Indianapolis as even remotely "centrally located".    Hell,
> it's damn-near a 2-day drive from Denver.  That pretty much  excludes
> the west coasters.
> I really feel like far too much emphasis  is being placed on "what else
> we can do there".  The point is to  gather these cars in one place.
> I'm pretty well located for just about  any venue that is truly
> centrally located so I am only advocating locations  that seem to have
> the best possiblity of drawing the most cars from all of  North
> America.  It will be more of a hike for some, no matter where we  go.
> Ten years ago when we did the 2 Audifests, I lived in SC.  It  was 2
> long days driving for me each way.  We managed to have  various
> meet-ups along the way to the even which made the overall  experience
> that much better.   For the 1st one in '97 I had just  started a new
> job and could not take vacation.  Back then they still  ran the race on
> July 4th and it fell midweek so I had a long weekend.   I was only in
> Colorado for about 36 hours before I had to bail back to  SC.  So I
> know what is on store for someone who's far away.
> It  is what it is.  If you value the primary objective, it needs to  be
> central, whether that's convenient or not.  Moab, Indy,  Yellowstone
> just don't cut it.  Very cool places to go, but they'll  likely cut
> coastal attendance by half or more.
> Just my 2 cents  worth.
> Ed

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