[urq] urq25 more thoughts

Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Wed Aug 13 08:33:50 PDT 2008

I sure wish I could have made this trip... Keep the reports and pictures coming.

CO Hwy 69? That brings back memories from the late 60s and early 70s. Is it still gravel or is it paved now? In my childhood I spent a lot of time on a hippy commune in Redwing, a one horse town just off Hwy 69 (mom was a hippy...what can I say). I learned how to drive in an ancient Ford pickup on those roads! I also had the crap scared out of me by a Sioux Indian Chief on that highway, he drove a Valiant pushbutton automatic wagon like a maniac on that road---drifiting that big wagon through every turn.

Mandatory Ur-Q content...my Ur-Q hates me for not driving it out there. It got even by telling the Audi Gods to cause a little tiny split in my Toyota T100 radiator on our family vacation to Huntington Lake last week. Thank goodness for West System five minute epoxy in my sailboat repair stuff. The patch lasted just long enough to get us safely home so it was minor punishment (but can you believe $750 for a radiator and $100 for a plastic heater valve from Toyota?! That makes Audi parts look cheap!)

Mike Veglia

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