[urq] visor clips
pastorer at optonline.net
pastorer at optonline.net
Wed Aug 13 13:00:03 PDT 2008
great project - I need several sets myself.
Could you please describe whether the visor clips will be cast or injection molded, and if cast, what material will be used to cast them. My concern is that if cast with resin alone without chooped
glass or other reinforcement, the clips might not be strong enough.
Best regards,
--- Original Message ---
From:Maurits Jonkergouw <urquattro at moregraphics.nl>
Sent:Wed 8/13/08 10:34 am
To:urq at audifans.com
Subj:Re: [urq] visor clips
> ----------
> From: Maurits Jonkergouw[SMTP:URQUATTRO at MOREGRAPHICS.NL]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:34:17 AM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [urq] visor clips
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
David, could you post some (high def. close-up) pictures when they are made, please?
1986 quattro GV
>I'm also in for a set of these (asuming you ship to Finland) just to support
>the efforts despite I do not need them
>Johan H
>Helsinki, Finland
>-88 MB
>From: <audiqtrocp at aol.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 3:16 AM
>To: <David.Schaible at jrspharma.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: [urq] visor clips
>> I don't currently need any but to support the efforts of anyone who is
>> interested in making repro parts for the UrQ - I'll be in for a set or
>> two!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Schaible, David <David.Schaible at jrspharma.com>
>> To: urq at audifans.com
>> Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 8:06 am
>> Subject: [urq] visor clips
>> Since audi decided these are no longer needed, my friend is having some
>> made up. The plan is to use a pvc based plastic which is flexible and
>> should do ok with UV exposure, there also is an option to make them up
>> in different colors (they will be paintable anyway). Let me know if you
>> are interested, which I would think folks would be since this item is
>> one of the more frequently broken items on the coupes.
>> I had hoped to make the meeting in CO but my ex wife nailed the coffin
>> shut on it since that is the only opportunity for holiday with my
>> daughter, (who said no way to the trip, even with the computer in the
>> car and all her dvds), so good luck to you mike on the road trip with
>> your son.
>> David Schaible
>> JRS Pharma LP
>> 2981 Rt. 22
>> Patterson, NY 12563
> > 845.878.8343
'86 quattro GV (WR)
'85 coupé KV
'82 coupé DD
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