[urq] UrQ frustration

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Sun Aug 23 18:26:16 PDT 2009

Good then, the one on the block was easy to remove once you unbolt the
aluminum block that supports it. It was stuck in that block, but
reinstallable like that.


The other one that is in the transmission case was absolutely impossible to
remove from above, the round body of the sensor was "welded" to the
transmission. No amount of prying had it to move, and then, when it was
finally sheared in two parts (plastic body with coil and wires, and a
stainless steel sleeve), what was stuck in the transmission (the sleeve) was
still not removable from outside.  If I had to so it in situ, It would have
been a nightmare. It was more than 2 allen screws to remove, because the
steel sleeve had to be pushed and sheared toward the inside of the bell
housing, a place you don't want to have some metal bits flying. Maybe one
can get access from the starter hole or the thin metal shield that protects
the clutch to recover the sleeve ?


As for the part numbers (034 and 035) I'm inclined to think that it's just a
matter of connectors. 


Louis Alain




the one on the bell housing is the speed sensor, the one on the lower
drivers side block is the reference mark sensor that I think is bad. (though
both have the same PN) Both look pretty easy to access though.  Destroying
the sensor would still leave you with the 2 allen screws to remove however,

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