[urq] "Quattro" & "Audi" Decal Locations

Magnus Bondesson audiquattro at telia.com
Tue Jan 13 17:07:01 PST 2009

There are only centered four-rings badge on my 20v 1990!   ;)

Maybe this will help:

Best regards
Magnus Bondesson
Team Sportquattro, Sweden

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] För Andrew
Skickat: den 13 januari 2009 17:11
Till: rpastore at animalfeeds.com
Kopia: urq; Mike Veglia
Ämne: Re: [urq] "Quattro" & "Audi" Decal Locations

Bob, do you have decals or badges..... I reread your answer and could not
decide? Your car should have had badges, but the discussion was originally
about the decals...... now I the mystery has expanded to both. Anyone else
have any insights... any European listers want to add to the discussion?

Andrew Finney
1985 UrQ

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Robert Pastore
<pastorer at optonline.net>wrote:

> Who would have thought that the simple question Andrew asked would turn
> into such an intriguing thread? My car seems to be the only one, based on
> those that have responded, to have the decals  aligned with the edges of
> trunk lid  instead of centered over the black trim piece.  Is it possible
> that there isn't a right or wrong answer, but that the answer varies by
> model year and market?
> The thread has been about decals, and not badges, but just as a point of
> reference, the "audi" and "quattro" the audi "rings" badge location,
> and inclusion/exclusion on the rear deck lid was one of the most obvious
> visual changes between markets and model years.  Why should the decals be
> different than the badges?
> Although we began the discussion thinking there was a simple "right"
> answer, I'm wondering if this is really the case.   On the Euro cars, the
> size of the license plate is much longer than the US cars, and thus the
> black license plate trim panels that the decals seems to centered on are
> different too -- they are shorter on the Euro cars.   It doesn't seem to
> make sense that there would be a fixed "correct" position for he decal
> centered over a trim panel that varied by  the intended market.
> Not to try to defend or define what's right  or wrong, but as a data
> point,  my car is an 85 WR, and still has original paint. All the owners
> since new have been participants on this list:  Allyson Vogt->Steve
> Maranello->Dean Kammler->Me, and all of them can verify the car hasn't
> painted or altered.
> The rear decklid is fiberglass, the car has rear foglights, and the
> plate trim panels were changed to the US versions when the car was
> and federalized in 1985.  The decals are aligned 13/16" from the edge of
> decklid on both sides.
> This has really become interesting!
> Bob
> Andrew wrote:
> ----------
> *From:*   Andrew[SMTP:AFINN1 at GMAIL.COM]
> *Sent:*      Monday, January 12, 2009 9:48:10 PM
> *To:* urq
> *Cc:* Mike Veglia; Robert Pastore
> *Subject:*     Re: "Quattro" & "Audi" Decal Locations
> *Auto forwarded by a Rule*
> I have 2 reliable listers telling me two different things. Mike says they
> are centered over the black plastic trim panels, Bob Pastore is telling me
> the "Audi" decal starts 13/16 inches from the left edge and the "quattro"
> ends 13/16" from the right edge....
> Anyone care to cast the deciding vote. Thanks to Mike and Bob for
> responding....
> Andrew Finney
> 1985 UrQ
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Mike Veglia <msvphoto at pacbell.net> wrote:
>>  Hi Andrew,
>> I didn't get exact measurements, but the decals are centered to the
>> plastic trim panels below (meaning the "A" of Audi is farther from the
>> edge than "O" of Quattro is from the right edge). The bottom of the
>> (except the "Q") are approximately 1/2" up from the bottom edge. I hope
>> helps. Let me know if you need more precise measurements.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* Andrew <afinn1 at gmail.com>
>> *To:* Mike Veglia <msvphoto at pacbell.net>
>> *Sent:* Monday, January 12, 2009 8:54:33 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: "Quattro" & "Audi" Decal Locations
>> Thanks Mike. I got a set from someone and just need another confirmation.
>> The current info says the decals are both 13/16 inches from each side of
>> trunk. Someone else told me they were centered along both of the two
>> trim panels... I just want to be sure I get it right. Thanks.
>> Andrew.
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Mike Veglia <msvphoto at pacbell.net>wrote:
>>>  Hi Andrew,
>>> I am almost certain my '83 is original and I could measure tonight if
>>> don't have these measurement numbers yet...
>>> Regards,
>>> Mike Veglia
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