[urq] Pike's Pike GTG

audiqtrocp at aol.com audiqtrocp at aol.com
Sun May 3 13:40:29 PDT 2009

Guys, I have to say that the wind has left my sails over the cancellation of the Pikes Peak event. 

A couple of facts:  people already have a trip planned

            people already have time scheduled off work

            people have been working on their cars to get them ready for a trip

Why can't this just simply happen somewhere other than Pikes Peak.  Hell, why can't it STILL happen at Pikes Peak.

I feared that the event was trying to be too big of a monster this year. I blew off registering for the Porsche Parade in Keystone CO this year in lieu of UrQ26. 

Steve, I have to admit, I haven't been in touch with you about a left-coast event once the Pikes Peak event was announced.  

I tried to be one of the people in-the-loop as far as planning Pikes Peak so that maybe there would be some coordination between other smaller scale events this year.

SO after all these "I"'s what does everyone else think?



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