[urq] Pike's Pike GTG

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Mon May 4 05:46:23 PDT 2009

It's quite possible that anyone can put on an Event.? The goals of 100year was realistic, but time ultimately took it's toll on an all-volunteer effort.? As the website Press Release indicates, we *engaged* Audi for many of the reasons folks on this list feel them disengaged.? Without question, the realistic goals, targets and presentation to Audi, caused a long delay while the decision process jumped the pond to Ingolstat AG.? Ultimately, time became the enemy to the optimism of a positive response.? 

The letter we received from Audi US Marketing Director, was quite comprehensive, was very well written, and spelled out Audi's Sales and Marketing effort in detail far beyond what I would have expected (or we deserved?).? Between that and the awareness from our contacts in Audi Germany of our consideration, we made major headway into gaining consideration.? And successfully added credibility to our band of passionate urq owners.? That's all good!

The main players in Colorado deserve more credit than judgments and disappointments of a non-event.? One of the biggest factors beyond Audi's decision to not participate, was a major business setback by one of our low profile passionate Audi leaders, which caused a shift in priorities by the rest of the 100year Board, to help out.? As the default "Keeper of Time" to this Event, my main concern was watching the calender quickly close our options.? I take full blame for presenting the Board with the consideration to cancel.? A tough decision, as these Urq25 guys have a passion that stubbornly eclipses the reality of time.? But a volunteer Board with real jobs, needs to share enthusiasm, not trudge through the Event chores under the gun of the clock...? BTDT many times myself as I experience this annually putting together Gruppe-q Steamboat Events every year.

That said, a lot is happening this year in the world of Quattro.? I just came back from Chicagoland's Chapter Teen Clinic yesterday, sharing the involved Instructor role with my own teen daughter as a participant.? I took on a 1 month newly licensed lad, and watched him 'get it' more in 8 hours than many adults I've seen in several track events.? Nationally, a massive effort is in the making to bring affordability and Insurance to non-Club Events.? Colorado has finally realized their first major track (High Plains Raceway) in several years, with many involved Audi owners helping it come to fruition.? David Hackl and I were able to overcome overwhelming odds to put together Steamboat this year.?? Audi AG themselves gave *serious* consideration to the 100year's proposal, a major step forward in engagement.

I see a lot of good coming from the efforts of active volunteers chasing the mistress we call quattro.? I personally hold more optimism that the future of Quattro is getting better, and hope my commitment to active involvement helps. 

Cheers and my .02

Scott J
Internet and Marketing



-----Original Message-----
From: audiqtrocp at aol.com
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Sun, 3 May 2009 3:40 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] Pike's Pike GTG

Guys, I have to say that the wind has left my sails over the cancellation of the 
Pikes Peak event. 

A couple of facts:  people already have a trip planned

            people already have time scheduled off work

            people have been working on their cars to get them ready for a trip

Why can't this just simply happen somewhere other than Pikes Peak.  Hell, why 
can't it STILL happen at Pikes Peak.

I feared that the event was trying to be too big of a monster this year. I blew 
off registering for the Porsche Parade in Keystone CO this year in lieu of 

Steve, I have to admit, I haven't been in touch with you about a left-coast 
event once the Pikes Peak event was announced.  

I tried to be one of the people in-the-loop as far as planning Pikes Peak so 
that maybe there would be some coordination between other smaller scale events 
this year.

SO after all these "I"'s what does everyone else think?



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