[urq] Hydraulic fitting - still searching - HELP!

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Tue Aug 17 22:43:37 PDT 2010

Ben , if all else fails ,I'm sure I can source it over here .
Metrtic is std in Belgium .
Just send me a picture of exactly what you need and I'll take a look .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>; <urq at audifans.com>; 
<s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:44 PM
Subject: [urq] Hydraulic fitting - still searching - HELP!

> I am still trying to find suitable fittings that will let me fab up lines 
> for the
> hydraulic pressure accumulator (bomb) to Power steering rack on  '83 Ur 
> Quattro.
> Temporarily put the fitting back in a clamped tight, but blew out first 
> time when
> steering went lock to lock.  I now have with extreme clamp tightness and 
> loosened up on
> PS belt, but this is not gonna work as a permanent fix.  I don't want to 
> deal with any
> more OEM hoses - they seem to all end up leaking.
> What is needed are fittings that have barbed end for positive permanent 
> hold in
> hydraulic hose or can be swaged in by fabricator.  My local fabricator 
> won't source the
> fittings but will fab the hose if I find them..
> The threads on the original fitting are 16mm diameter and fitting is a 
> ball
> compression/flare fitting.  The fittings for the hose are female, but 
> would be good to
> source both.  So what is this fitting called - 16mm metric compression 
> fitting? JIC?
> ??
> I checked and it is the same type as the ones used on EFI fuel rails - the 
> fitting is
> the same odd size I was looking for when I needed a line for the Coupe 
> Quattro  fuel
> Return line.
> Please advise me on this nomenclature if you know - I seen different 
> versions of metric
> fittings.
> A source would be even better, but I figure if I know what they are 
> specified as I can
> get from Parker or other manufacturer.  Alternatively I could use an 
> adaptor - like
> metric to AN, but still need to fabricate the hose assembly so less 
> fitting connections
> is better.
> Ben
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