[urq] how does this happen?

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 12:56:29 PST 2010


On a lighter note, I saw one that was much, much worse -- and it was owned
by one of the original team who worked on the Urq project and who later had
moved to Michigan. Sadly he had not had the underbody (or the rest of the
body) washed after driving it on salt-strewn roads and parked it for a few
years. The only Good pieces were parts of the interior and plastic bits. I
fear that had it been acid-dipped there would be little to identify it as an
Urq  :(

I know that if you take care of an Urq, you can drive it in the winter, even
if they use salt -- but you'd better wash it and the underbody regularly or
you'll (or next owner) will be very, very sorry.


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com> wrote:

> Rob - One quick correction - it's not really illegal in Colorado anymore.
> And yet despite the second hand smoke - I still don't see how $4500 makes
> sense.  I certainly hope it does not go to the crusher - but wow I don't
> have the A.) stomach B) wallet or C) space for a project like that...
> Brandon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
> Of Robert A Dupree
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:06 AM
> To: urq
> Subject: Re: [urq] how does this happen?
> Since this has turned into an opinion gathering topic...
> I observe that very few in the USA Audi community have the interest and
> resources available needed to preserve these machines akin to the heritage
> units from: Mercedes, Porsche, BMW and so on.
> I believe the majority of us on this board have the interest.  And that
> same
> majority do not have a sufficient surplus of resources to simply pay folks
> to 'make it happen'.  So then we struggle with our desire to keep the fleet
> alive until such time as the world catches up to what we think we know -
> which is to say these are valuable icons to preserve.
> Much like the machines of WW2, once the world realizes they really are
> collector's items - far too many will have been sent to the scrapper.
> Fundamental to that lag in realization is the lack of support that is
> viable
> to the enthusiast community to keep them alive during the lag.
> Therefore as I look at the Florida car I think: "At $500 I'd
> bring-a-trailer
> and take the gamble, but any more than that and I will focus my time,
> resources and interest in the car I already have."  Sure it has some parts
> that I'd like to have as spares for my own '84.  But $4500 for a rusted,
> moldy, mildewed beat-up UrQ?
> That guy is smokin' something illegal.
> Rob D.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On
> > Behalf Of Peter Coulter
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:34 AM
> > To: lawson.d at comcast.net
> > Cc: urq
> > Subject: Re: [urq] how does this happen?
> >
> > Sorry David, I have to disagree with you in your comparison to
> > Porsches. That is the only marque I know of that is holding it's value
> > at the auctions. Audi doesn't fall into that category. And where are
> > you going to get the parts to restore it? We can't even get
> > windshields for them. While I think every one of us would like to have
> > each one saved; I believe that it doesn't make sense financially to
> > restore many of them. /Peter ps I know of a mars red 83 in Denver that
> > just came up for sale cheap ;?)
> >
> > FACEBOOK: USURQ30 Vail, Colorado 9/10/11. Be there!!
> >
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