[urq] Brake Lights

Steve Buchholz urq at pacbell.net
Sat Dec 4 09:56:15 PST 2010

The dual filaments rears work great on my car, how about we trade?  :-)

It sounds like you're getting no ground.  The brake lights are getting ground through the marker bulbs.  You might actually see them light dimly when the brakes are on.

I'd recommend that you add a ground wire from the lug on each dual filament plate to one of the mounting studs.  You will likely find this makes the brakes and all the other lights brighter.

Steven Buchholz (mobile)

----- Reply message -----
From: "Bob" <bob at maxboostracing.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 4, 2010 6:55 am
Subject: [urq] Brake Lights
To: "Urq list" <urq at audifans.com>

I just noticed something on my 85.
My brake lights work fine on the car, that is until I have the parking 
lights on. When I have the parking lights on, the bottom 2 bulbs light 
up, which should be my brake lights. And when I hit the brakes, they 
dont change.  A long time ago I changed to the dual element bulb 
holders, but never put in dual element bulbs, I thought that was it, so 
I put the OE holders in again, and it still does it. What am I missing?

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