[urq] Brake Lights

Bob bob at maxboostracing.com
Sat Dec 4 15:10:59 PST 2010

thanks for all the suggestions guys (and the offer Steven  *cough*) :)

I did check grounds and actually do have the tabs individually grounded. 
Thinking about the problem though... I put in LED's for bulbs which 
makes life NICE, but to get the blinker to blink correctly I had to add 
a 25 ohm load resistor on each side. Im wondering if that might be 
messing with me. Ill try experimenting with that tomorrow and report back.


On 12/4/2010 12:56 PM, Steve Buchholz wrote:
> The dual filaments rears work great on my car, how about we trade?  :-)
> It sounds like you're getting no ground.  The brake lights are getting 
> ground through the marker bulbs.  You might actually see them light 
> dimly when the brakes are on.
> I'd recommend that you add a ground wire from the lug on each dual 
> filament plate to one of the mounting studs.  You will likely find 
> this makes the brakes and all the other lights brighter.
> Steven Buchholz (mobile)
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Bob" <bob at maxboostracing.com>
> Date: Sat, Dec 4, 2010 6:55 am
> Subject: [urq] Brake Lights
> To: "Urq list" <urq at audifans.com>
> I just noticed something on my 85.
> My brake lights work fine on the car, that is until I have the parking
> lights on. When I have the parking lights on, the bottom 2 bulbs light
> up, which should be my brake lights. And when I hit the brakes, they
> dont change.  A long time ago I changed to the dual element bulb
> holders, but never put in dual element bulbs, I thought that was it, so
> I put the OE holders in again, and it still does it. What am I missing?
> bob
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