[urq] Brake Lights -- Fixed!

Bob bob at maxboostracing.com
Sun Dec 5 09:37:23 PST 2010

The issue was.. when I was troubleshooting the problem, I was working on 
one side alone. So when I said I replaced the dual holder with the OE 
single, and it still did it, I only did it on one side. As soon as I 
replaced the other side too, things started working normally.  I worked 
my way from there. I put both sides back with OE holders and OE 1156 
bulbs, and all was well. Replaced one side with LED bulbs (My God, what 
a difference!) and all was well. Then I put in the blinker load resister 
to prevent the fast blink and all was well. Then did the other side the 
same way and its still good to go. So the issue apparently was the other 
side having the dual bulb holder messed up the other side while trying 
to test.

That being said, Im not going to use the dual bulb holders. the LED 
lights are 10 times better than the 1157 bulbs. Ill probably toss them 
up on the marketplace. Anyone know what they're worth?

Thanks for all the help... one more 'issue' is history!

On 12/5/2010 12:34 AM, JP Chaplen wrote:
> For the blinkers, I just added one of the LED relays, its just trying to
> find the right one to use, but that's another way of doing it.
> Ok, wait let me confirm what you also said below, you said you have the dual
> holder but you used a single 1156 bulb? Then parking or brake they would
> just be on?
> If you ended up putting back in the OE 1156 (one for brake and one for
> parking single filament) then each side (same holder) should light up
> independently.
> At least that's what I'm getting from your statement?
> But the bottom 2 red sections are Early OE=1 is brake other is parking - vs
> later is 1157 (high and Low) with both been parking and both being brake.
> JP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
> Of Bob
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:11 PM
> To: Steve Buchholz
> Cc: Urq list
> Subject: Re: [urq] Brake Lights
> thanks for all the suggestions guys (and the offer Steven  *cough*) :)
> I did check grounds and actually do have the tabs individually grounded.
> Thinking about the problem though... I put in LED's for bulbs which
> makes life NICE, but to get the blinker to blink correctly I had to add
> a 25 ohm load resistor on each side. Im wondering if that might be
> messing with me. Ill try experimenting with that tomorrow and report back.
> Bob
> On 12/4/2010 12:56 PM, Steve Buchholz wrote:
>> The dual filaments rears work great on my car, how about we trade?  :-)
>> It sounds like you're getting no ground.  The brake lights are getting
>> ground through the marker bulbs.  You might actually see them light
>> dimly when the brakes are on.
>> I'd recommend that you add a ground wire from the lug on each dual
>> filament plate to one of the mounting studs.  You will likely find
>> this makes the brakes and all the other lights brighter.
>> Steven Buchholz (mobile)
>> ----- Reply message -----
>> From: "Bob"<bob at maxboostracing.com>
>> Date: Sat, Dec 4, 2010 6:55 am
>> Subject: [urq] Brake Lights
>> To: "Urq list"<urq at audifans.com>
>> I just noticed something on my 85.
>> My brake lights work fine on the car, that is until I have the parking
>> lights on. When I have the parking lights on, the bottom 2 bulbs light
>> up, which should be my brake lights. And when I hit the brakes, they
>> dont change.  A long time ago I changed to the dual element bulb
>> holders, but never put in dual element bulbs, I thought that was it, so
>> I put the OE holders in again, and it still does it. What am I missing?
>> bob
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