[urq] Cruise Control

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Tue Jul 20 10:28:43 PDT 2010

If you have a cable driven speedo , there's a good chance the gears
are toast .

For a EU car : Part nrs
088409197 driven gear
016409187 drive gear
014409193A cable support .
They all work together , and usually they're badly worn .
 If they are , I would adivse to replace all 3 of them , or at least the 2 
gears .

The driven gear comes out easily .
Remove the speedo cable fron the gearbox .
Remove the aluminium cable support .
Carefull , don't get dirt in the gearbox
Pull out the driven gear .

Acces to the drive gear is a bit less  easy :
Rremove the left front driveshaft .
Remove the left front gearbox flage ,  center bolt , then pull it out . )
Oil will most likely spill , jack up the left side of the car as high as 
possible . .
Remove the oil seal from the gearbox .
Then you can pry out the drive gear with a pair of screwdrivers .
Most of the time it eases out easily , if not , simply hit it , and it will 
break in two pieces .
Then pull out the ieces :)

Good luck

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: [urq] Cruise Control

> Guys-
> While I'm thinking about getting my car ready for the Vegas GTG in 
> October -
> I have plenty to do - one of the things is the cruise control.  It sets 
> fine
> - but then speed drops slowly.  It's been quite a whiel sinece I tried to
> use but my recollection is that it hodl speed, then lets up and speed 
> drops,
> then tries again and then lets up and speed drops.  Cumulative effect the
> speed drops.  I think I've put a mighty vac on the whole sustem and it 
> held.
> I've swapped in a number of pumps, too.  What else would it be?  One thing
> is that my speedo wavers a very little bit - does this cause a varying
> signal to the CC system that messes it up?  How do you fix a wavering
> speedo?
> Motor is a 3B but the CC system is stock WX - which I think is the exact
> same as 3B other then the diaphragm mounting location and maybe rod 
> length.
> TIA-
> Brandon
> '84 ur
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