[urq] Looking for a Thermostat...

JP Chaplen quattrodude at comcast.net
Tue Jun 8 13:41:46 PDT 2010

Well i replaced the stock one with the 80c one when i did all my rebuilding, I just always thought and felt these cars ran hot, but hearing what everyone is saying, I will listen to all of you and just stick with the 80c. 

I have a both the stock radiator and the aux. one as well, they are both in near mint shape and do disapate heat pretty good, but i do notice that even on the boost or some spirited driving the oil temp does start to rise...What is considered hot for oil? i have no clue, I dont think i have ever reached over 120-130? and the norm for cruising around i think is about 95-105 ish. At least according to the gage. 

I had thought about buying the huge double capacity radiator from 034, but i was trying to retain as much stock as i could within reason. (at least until i grenade the engine - then i'll stick a AMG 5.5 supercharged in there JK!!!! - ) I do like the idea of having extra cooling capacity, that cannot be a bad thing of these cars right? 

I can see that having a cooler radiator switch would be a good way to go and cheap. Maybe i'll invest in that first - see how that goes. 

Has anyone put either puller or pusher fans on their oil coolers? Again i was trying to keep things stock. Maybe i could be like some of the jap cars and just run around with no hood? (or is that American muscle cars?) 

PS - using Prestone - premixed - is that ok? or someone having uber better? 

Thanks again! 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Carlier" <p.carlier at pandora.be> 
To: "JP" <quattrodude at comcast.net>, "urq list" <urq at audifans.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 1:20:20 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: [urq] Looking for a Thermostat... 

80°C is already pretty low . 
If I'm not mistaking , stock is 87°C . 

I do benifit from a little lower fan switch 
especially in the summer time . 
Stock fan switch is 95°C on , and 91°C-ish off . 
I've replaced mine  with an 88°C on  - 83° C off . 
Gives the cooling system a little more margin . 
Not really needed if the cooling system is Ok and you have the right coolant 
But it doesn't hurt either I guess . 
The switch thread is M22*1.5 btw . 

And , if you don't me going a little off topic , 
a real good upgrade , especially for a 20V converted car , 
is to use the motor and fan from an audi 200 ( 5000 ) . 
It takes a steel radiator shroud , some adapting and welding and 
most certainly heavier gauge wiring  . 

But it dsplaces at least twice the amount of air , maybe more , making the 
car sound like a plane taking off :)) . 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JP" <quattrodude at comcast.net> 
To: "'urq list'" <urq at audifans.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:37 AM 
Subject: [urq] Looking for a Thermostat... 

> I'm looking for a cooler thermostat for my 83 URQ, what are other people 
> running? 
> Right now I have a 80c - but was maybe looking for something a little 
> cooler. 
> Does anyone have a line on where I might find something? 
> 80 degrees seems like about the lowest I could find, but wondering if 
> anyone 
> else has further insight? 
> Along with that I would like a cooler fan switch too, but I think that 
> will 
> be much easier to find. 
> Thanks all 
> JP 
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