[urq] Maintaining an old Urq

Eric J. Fluhr efluhr at austin.rr.com
Sat Jun 19 14:30:39 PDT 2010


FYI, I've been converting my Urq to various LED lights a la 
superbrightleds.com  (I have no affiliation
with this site, I've just been happy with their products).  My rear driving 
and brake lights are terrific now!
They have these "tower" style led bulbs that provide great lumens, 
instant-on response, and low current
draw to help compensate for the aging wiring in our cars.  My buddies all 
like the result on my Urq.

I've also swapped my blinkers over, but this takes a little more work than 
just replacing the bulbs because
of the way Audi wired the dash light (ever noticed that the dash hazards 
behave differently with ignition on
versus ignition off...now I know why).

I'm now working on replacing other bulbs in the car (like the instrument 
cluster) with some of their other
specialty LEDs, and so far I have been very happy with the results.

'82 urq

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