[urq] Maintaining an old Urq

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 10:12:12 PDT 2010

I'm CCing the 20v list because I thought they might find this good info too.

Did some more looking around.
For 91' CQ it looks like the #24 is a drop in for the 1.2w dash bulbs.

I may pick some of those up in Red to see what they look like.  
As for the C4-A6.  I dont see anything but OTOH that dash is pretty good from the factory.  I guess I can keep it the same.

What did you use for the urq Dash lights?  You'd need something with a 360degree pattern I believe to be captured by the (Distribution tubes??) in the dash.


--- On Sat, 6/19/10, Eric J. Fluhr <efluhr at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> From: Eric J. Fluhr <efluhr at austin.rr.com>
> Subject: [urq] Maintaining an old Urq
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 3:30 PM
> Urq-folks,
> FYI, I've been converting my Urq to various LED lights a la
> superbrightleds.com  (I have no affiliation
> with this site, I've just been happy with their
> products).  My rear driving 
> and brake lights are terrific now!
> They have these "tower" style led bulbs that provide great
> lumens, 
> instant-on response, and low current
> draw to help compensate for the aging wiring in our
> cars.  My buddies all 
> like the result on my Urq.
> I've also swapped my blinkers over, but this takes a little
> more work than 
> just replacing the bulbs because
> of the way Audi wired the dash light (ever noticed that the
> dash hazards 
> behave differently with ignition on
> versus ignition off...now I know why).
> I'm now working on replacing other bulbs in the car (like
> the instrument 
> cluster) with some of their other
> specialty LEDs, and so far I have been very happy with the
> results.
> Later,
> Eric
> '82 urq
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