[urq] Another Urq for sale (and an RS6)

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Tue Mar 2 10:02:31 PST 2010

 A couple of thoughts following this thread.  No offense intended to jeff here, but his own $30k RS6 ad kinda puts his own contrary points in perspective.  Regarding the urq specifically, having bought and sold several of them over the years, inspected and brokered several more, here's my FWIW.  First, you want to plunk down a 20k price, the expectation of the car will reflect that price here in the USA.  To wit, buy the factory correct visor clip, and find the frickin radio knob.  A claim "it's not perfect", will flounder in the 'perfect' asking price.  Secondly, the desired 'mods' to an original urq, don't help here at all.  A k24 conversion makes this a 'modded' low mileage clean car, so does the chip.  And, once you enter the 'modded' world, the expectation grows.   To that end, I've seen and modded urq's that might fetch 10-15, but at 20k, it's not the mileage 'only' that's going to fetch that.  In fact, I'd argue at 20k, you are better off taking the mods out, and putting every factory correct pieces back in the car.  Unfortunately, you've already advertised it for what it is/was.

Next, comes back to these forums.  I honestly don't think in the last 15 years here, I've ever bought or sold an urq on this list, or used marketplace to advertise one.  Mostly because what Jeff is going through is exactly what I prefer not to.  This crew can be brutal, to any and all aspects of an urq.  And the true finds as buyers and sellers, IMO, comes from finding the ones 'not' on the net radar.  BTDT a couple dozen times over the years.  Er, just last week in fact.

The urq has just never seen the massive price jump to reflect an enthusiasts desire.  A museum quality urq in 'mod free' excellent condition might find a 20k buyer, I haven't seen it yet, and I'm with Dave/Peter here, the timing is wrong to expect it this year.  That said, market price is what the last one sold for.  I wish Jeff the best of luck in that regard, and look forward to the day when a modded low mileage urq can actually fetch 20k.  

My .02

Scott J
a few current and pas-t/sed urq's




-----Original Message-----
From: djdawson2 at aol.com
To: javadog at att.net; urq at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:32 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] Another Urq for sale (and an RS6)

 '89 930 is what I got.... but not really sure what your point is.  I think just 
about all models have taken a hit.  Anything pricey is simply not moving.  Same 
story in the Ferrari market, it seems.


 -----Original Message-----
From: javadog at att.net
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:15 pm
Subject: Re: [urq] Another Urq for sale (and an RS6)


What Porsche did you buy?  Some Porsche prices are down, some are not, it 
depends a lot on the specific car.

-------------- Original message from djdawson2 at aol.com: -------------- 

Hey... proof is proof... tell us how it turns out.

I like to follow the Porsches.  I bought one 10 months ago because they have 
crashed, and buying one at current prices was just too attractive to ignore.  If 

you can find the "money no object" buyer for your urq... more power to you.

My theory in the Porsche crowd is that many of those owners must have been 
barely able to afford them in the first place.  Then, when the economy took a 
hit, they are no longer capable of owning/paying for those cars.

Best of luck...


-----Original Message-----
From: javadog at att.net
To: <urq at audifans.com> <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:09 am
Subject: Re: [urq] Another Urq for sale (and an RS6)


You might be right, who knows?  I will say this, though...  I have heard nothing 

but bad things about the car market in the last 6 months.  And, that may be true 

for most cars, I don't know.  Sometimes it seems that I hear it most from 
potential buyers, perhaps to justify a less-than-respectable offer, or from 
people that are not either buying or selling cars of late.  My experience has 
been a little different.  I have sold a half dozen cars during this time and 
every single one of them has sold for more that "excellent retail" book value.  
In some cases, significantly more, like 30%.  I tend to think that the reason 
for my success isn't that I am particularly lucky but that there is always a 
market for really good cars.  If you have something that is significantly nicer 
than the average car, you can usually find someone who will value that fact and 
pay the asking price.  These people, in my opinion, realize that they can't take 

an average car and make it "nice" for anywhere 
 near what they would pay for one that has already been finished by someone 
else.  If your goal is to end up with a really nice example, that's the only 
sensible way to get there.  The thing is, you have to want the end product; if 
an average car makes you happy, there's no sense in spending the extra dough on 
a really nice one.

The other point I'll make is this: there are really very few nice ur quattros 
out there.  I've owned these cars for over 25 years and, for a long time, I 
looked at every one that I could find that came on the market.  I was always 
looking for a better example than the one I had at any given moment and I was 
also keeping an eye out for a blue '84 or '85 that lived in these parts, way 
back in the mid-eighties.  I looked at a lot of cars over the years and spent a 
fair bit of money having pre-purchase inspections done on the ones that looked 
promising.  For the most part, I concentrated on the one owner/30k miles sort of 

cars.  Until I found this one, they all flunked.  Either I felt that the miles 
were not legit, or the car had the usual laundry list of 8 million little things 

that it needed.  None of them were nice enough for what I wanted.

Is my car perfect?  No, I feel that any ur quattro falls short of that goal.  As 

nice as these cars can be, they are representative of the technology of the 
early '80's, and the way they were originally built, and if you live with one 
long enough, you'll learn to accept that.  Newer cars are better, in just about 
every way.  An ur quattro will always be a car that needs time and money spent 
on it.  There's always something that can be made to work better, or look 
better.  That's just the way it is.  I'd rather start here, though, than to try 
to resurect somebody's old daily driver.  Been there, done that, won't do it 

Ths car may stay here in the States, or it may go to Europe.  I've sold a couple 

of my cars to buyers in Germany.  Prices are higher there, nice cars are 
extremely rare and the exchange rate is favorable for European buyers.  We'll 
see.  I'm headed to Japan next week and when I get back, I'll start marketing 
the car.

-------------- Original message from Peter <audionly at gmail.com>: -------------- 

$20,000? I hate saying it but I don't think that is going to happen in this 
economy. Jim F. is having a difficult time selling his at $7,500 and his car is 
in very good condition.  There was one on E-bay a couple months back with 15,000 

mi. for $15,000. (He might have been fishing; because I can't find one person 
who was successful contacting him about the car.)  And supposedly one here in 
Colorado that was on E-bay this past summer and wouldn't bring over $12K; sold 
for $20,000 to someone back East. We need to admit to ourselves that we own 
toys, boys; and those are the first thing to go in times like these. My personal 

experience has been that only the older high dollar Porsche's are holding their 
value; everything else is down at least 30% from a year ago and still headed 
South. Even the Sports are down in value to under $100,000. This is not the time 

to be selling unless you must.  

On a side note; I would like to ask everyone a question. Gary B. (the 
quintessential Aussi). of Meadow Creek Tyres has an 83 that he bought new and 
now has 30,000 mi...........Verified and in excellent original condition.  I 
hear stories of URQ's with lower miles; but none that can be verified. Anyone 
else actually seen a super low mileage URQ in North America?  Regards,  /Peter

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:55 PM, <javadog at att.net> wrote:

Well, a  few months ago I mentioned that I was thinking of selling off some of 
my cars.  That day has come and, while I realize that everyone here probably has 

an Urq, or three, I thought I'd advertise it here before sending it out to the 
wider quattro world.  The details:

'83 Mars red/tan leather, chassis #437
57,000 miles
K24 turbo, Ned Ritchie cam, Euro bumpers and lights
Otherwise stock, down to the original radio

I bought this car from Kent Anderson in 1999.  It was originally from the 
Montana/Idaho area.  I'm the third owner, as far as I can tell, and the second 
owner ( a woman) bought it in 1985, with around 20k miles, give or take.  I've 
spent a lot of time and money addressing the usual issues with these cars and I 
feel that this is one of the better cars left.  It needs the visor clips and one 

small memory button on the radio.  I have records for it dating back to 1986 or 
1987.  Pictures of the car can be seen at:


More details and larger pictures are available to anybody with a serious 
interest in the car.  I'm looking for $20,000.

For those of you that inquired earlier about my 2003 RS6, it's also for sale.  
I'm the original owner, it's fairly loaded, has 9,843 miles and hasn't been 
driven in rain or snow.  It's well-serviced and needs nothing.  Pictures of this 

one can be seen at : http://s813.photobucket.com/albums/zz55/javadog/RS6/

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