[urq] Sport quattro Recaros

j.koenig koenigj at comcast.net
Wed Mar 17 10:37:41 PDT 2010

I missed the depth of the joke at the time, too, but it's pretty clever!
Also need to consider that Toyota represents a significant number of U.S. jobs.
There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that the first documented UA incident with a 
Toyota took place within sight of the grassy knoll in Dallas.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <dgraber460 at aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] Sport quattro Recaros

I think you missed my tongue in cheek intimation that the New GM will be the New Trabant 
(read Government issue).
Like you, I also thought that the irrational attacks on Toyota by the government 
"influenced" media and government "controlled" NTHSA would by "coincidence" benefit the 
government "owned" GM. Hmmmmmm........
Pure speculation mind you. But.................


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