[urq] Oil Pressure Sender Location Addendum

Maurits Jonkergouw urquattro at moregraphics.nl
Mon Mar 29 15:34:39 PDT 2010

I would like to add there are now 3 oil senders connected to the oil pressure relay J150 (track 203): G8, G9 (both track 199) and G10 (track 203-208). I physically located G8 and G10 but where the hell is G9 at?

Please take a look at this picture and tell me where the oil presure sender(s) should go. Currently the empty hole (just below the brass alan key plug) has the large 2-pin gauge with just one wire attached to terminal "G".


The temperature sender in the nose of the oil pump is located (and works fine), but where does that second pressure sender go were Tony talks about?, in the plugged hole perhaps?

Thanks again.


  Since 1985 Audi has used a 2 switch system with a oil pressure warning relay (p/n 433919082).  The large 2 pin sensor is one of these switches (1.8 bar). The pins are marked "G" and "WK"  The G terminal runs the oil pressure gauge.  The WK terminal is the 1.8 bar pressure switch. If you remove the sensor, you'll see the pressure spec marked on the base just above the threads.   There is also a standard 0.3 bar switch (black) that is also mounted on the same side of the engine block.  There two are connected to the relay which buzzes and lights the oil light if it senses something wrong.

  There is a second type of 2 pin sensor which is a gauge and 0.3 bar switch but is used only on 1981 4000 and coupe GT cars.



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